Mulching & Chipping In Toowoomba
Competitive Prices

The skilled team at DJ Tree Services in Toowoomba are mulching experts. We can turn old stumps and unwanted trees into mulch that you can use to beautify and protect your garden. We can also remove mulch from your property if you don’t want or need it, for recycling elsewhere.
Mulching is essential to maintaining a vibrant, attractive landscape with healthy, flourishing plants. The benefits of regular mulching are many, among them is the fact that it’s a water saving solution to keeping plants moist, since mulching helps retain water.
Areas with mulch are more resistant to drought, weed growth, and pest attacks than non-mulched areas. This means that mulching saves work, exposure to pesticides, time and money.
Mulching acts as insulation for the soil, protecting plants and trees from damage that can be caused by extreme heat and cold. It also breaks down slowly over a period of time, adding nutrients to the soil during the process. And as an added bonus, it can act as a barrier between lawn mower or whipper snipper, and trees and plants, preventing any potential damage from blades.
If you would like mulch but don’t have any trees or stumps that require grinding, we can deliver mulch in our tipper truck, in small or bulk quantities.
DJ Tree Services offers 24 hour emergency services in Toowoomba and Southern Downs. Contact us today to arrange a quote for mulching, either from your own trees, or delivered.